My thoughts.
I’ve really been utilizing shooting at 4k/60fps when I’m doing video. Its my favorite video combo if I’m being honest. 4k is surely becoming the video standard for content creation, and 60 fps is always solid for slo mo footage reasons. Another setting that I find myself utilizing on the video side is the “D-Cinelike”. This setting is a flat color picture profile for the drones camera and provides a better option when you know you want to color grade by preserving more detail in the highlights and shadows as well as giving an unsaturated look to add color in post.
Photo I haven’t shot much with this drone thus far, however having RAW file capabilities has been nice with the few photos that I have shot. Along with that, the camera has a ton of different photo modes. Panorama and hyperlapse mode are two that I have used. Hyperlapse is incredible and I plan to use it in the future heavily.
The drone actually handles really well and is very tiny for transport (about the size of a Playstation controller?). The drones RC has a cinema feature that creates very slow movement from the drone. I believe this would be great for people just beginning with drone operation, along with people actually looking for slow movement for cinematic videos. The RC range seems to be nice as well. I haven’t had any issues thus far with that, other than flying in the forest and getting some bad signal due to tree interference.
Overall, I take this drone as a intermediate level drone. Considering it’s camera specs, it is fully capable of capturing incredible video and photo content, but considering its size, features, app interface, and simple remote control, I believe beginners should be able to get this up in the air and have fun no problem. Do you own this drone? If not, which one? Let me know your thoughts below.